Hypnosis with Margie Freeman, LCSW
Hypnotic trance is a state of focused concentration, during which time the unconscious mind is more receptive to learning new skills and problem-solving strategies, and clients can learn to alter their sensations, perceptions, and behaviors. Hypnosis can aid in the treatment of anxiety and depression, in enhancing self-esteem and performance, as well as in overcoming habit problems, such as smoking cessation and weight management. My training in hypnosis was through the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and The Wellness Institute. I also have specialized training in the use of hypnosis for mind/body healing.
If you are struggling with smoking, weight gain or weight loss, anxiety and or fears, early life or adult trauma, anger, self esteem, motivation, etc. hypnosis can help.
Please contact me at (973) 220-9007 or email me to schedule an appointment.